domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017

Hi everyone,

I would like to share with all of you one of my passions "Reusing" also known as "Upcycling".  In other words, it is transforming a useless object or waste into another useful object which is completely different. Using your creativity you can transform them in home decorations, furniture and even art pieces. The main objective of this activity is making useful things, without buying any raw materials.

I started to practice this activity a few years ago because, first of all, I love doing crafts. I believe being able to create items yourself is an enormous satisfaction.

Secondly, as a human being I sometimes wonder whether our planet will be able to stand our current life-style. We are depleting our natural resources as if they were infinite. At the same time we are producing a huge amount of waste day after day. Doing upcycling you will reduce waste and avoid using raw materials. Therefore, you will reduce energy consumption.

Furthemore, the materials that you will use are free, so you don´t have to spend money to create your items.

Some people wonder about what skills they would need to do it. To be honest, you do not need so many. Obviously, you need to be skillfull, but don´t panic because the more you practice, the more skillful you will be.

If you see eye to eye with me about the positive benefits of this activity, don´t hesitate anymore and join me to do this eco-friendly and artistic activity.

In the photo you can see the lamp in my kitchen made with plastic cutlery from a party with friends.

B2 student.
We only have a planet. Keep it alive!

Nowadays the pollution level is increasing alarmingly because people and industries take less care of the environment.

On the one hand, industries are focused on their benefits or how to get more money with less investment, so they do not pay attention to manufacturing with recycling or recyclable materials which are more expensive than conventional ones.
On the other hand, people live in small homes; accordingly, people do not have storage space for different kinds of dump in their home.

Does this mean our planet is condemned? Of course not!! There are people whose lives are dedicated to protecting and saving our planet, but, what do they do or who are they? They are called with several names depending on their life style, however. Today I’d like to introduce people who like doing upcycling.

Upcycling is about providing a second life to products which everyone would consider like waste. For instance, they make wallets from milk cartons or make lamps from plastic spoons. It sounds interesting doesn’t it?

There are several kinds of people who try to keep our planet safe, if you want to meet them and know more about what they do, do not forget to visit our school blog!!

Written by AlmudenaTrigo Garcia student of 5th year official school of languages.

“Recycling activities”

Nowadays, recycling is an important issue because our society is used to consuming everything that is new in the market. As a result, everything they don’t want any more is wasted.

From our school, we can organize some recycling activities, like workshops on handicrafts, so that we can save some raw materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic or metal, reusing them again and again. In addition, water and energy can be saved too because making new products from recycled products is cheaper than making them from raw material. Besides, the last and the most important thing is that waste is reduced in landfills.

In my opinion, we could do three activities. One recycling activity could be to make soap with domestic oil. The students and teachers will take oil which has already been used and we will make soap with it. This soap can be used in the school toilets.

Another activity would be to make cards, bookmarks gift wrappings and carton boxes with recycled paper. They would be used by the students in their classes.

The last activity could be to make containers for recycling paper, plastic or glasses with carton boxes. They would be placed in each class.

In conclusion, the aims of these activities are to provide the school with recycled material and to make people aware of participating in recycling activities.


Ideas for the recycling project in the school
The aim of this report is to present environmental measures for the recycling project of the school.

Recycling facilities
One possibility is to recycle the school products in recycling facilities which would be in every classroom. For example, each student could recycle their pencils, pens, plastic bottles or even notebooks when they have to throw them away.
Students will be able to separate their waste in different bins instead of doing it in a single one.

Papers on both sides

Another idea is to use papers on both sides in order to do homework or take notes. It might be a good idea to make photocopies on both sides too in order to save paper.

Recycling workshops and courses

The final idea is to organize recycling workshops and courses in the school to inform teachers and other students about the importance of recycling. One suggestion is to make some school decorations using recycled materials in the recycling workshop. 
The final recommendation is that you must reuse or recycle your unwanted things in order to reduce waste. Everyone should know the importance of environmentally friendly ideas to save the planet.

B2 Student.
To run an Eco-school,  in addition to the ongoing measures such as  the use of recycled paper in the printer  and the placement of small containers of different colours  for different kinds of rubbish,  there are other ideas to consider.

With the appropriate aid from the government  or from the CEE,  some solar panels could be installed, taking advantage of the sunny  days in this part of the country. These solar panels  would reduce the cost of power, and would supply  heating and hot water to the building, that is very cold and wet.

Another idea could be to choose a day to do free-cycling, that is to say, people would take small pieces of furniture, domestic appliances, clothes,  and so on, which  other people may need. The school would  provide  a space  to make these exchanges.

And  last  but not least, you could replace the water vending machine and have a water fountain where people could  refill  their own bottles and so  reduce the consumption of plastic bottles.
B2 student.
Ideas for the Eco-school Project

The objective of this report is to propose three ideas so as to improve the Eco-school Project.

Solar panels
Our first idea is installing solar panels in order to use sunlight, or solar energy for heating and lighting the school building. This is a good idea because the building is really cold in winter and it wastes a lot of electricity. We could ask the local government for a grant to carry the cost.

We could create a branch of to bring things to the school that we don’t need and can be reused. All kinds of things such as clothes, shoes, furniture and so on can be reused.

Cleaning beaches and forests
Our final proposal is to form a schoolcleanup group so as to clean some beaches, forests or rivers every weekend. We would work and have fun at the same time.

To sum up, everyone should take part in these activities in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
B2 student.

The aim of this report is to present some ideas which can help us to improve the actual situation of our environment by reducing our carbon footprint.

Repair shop

Our first idea is to start up a repair shop at the school so that we could fix our broken items such as little appliances, furniture, electronic devices and the like. This is a good idea because we come from different professions and we could share our knowledge in order to give a second chance to our junk, instead of taking it to the civic amenity site.


The second idea is to promote hiking routes on our beaches and in our mountains so as to collect that litter dropped by unaware people. We recommend this because, apart from the fact that we could help our environment, we could also practise a healthy outdoor activity.

In conclusion, we think these two ideas are so tempting that people will join us in this exciting project.

José Ignacio Rosado Rodríguez.
B2 student.


There are many ways we can produce less waste which have an important and negative impact on the environment. Reducing waste and using environmental measures is essential in order to save our planet.

Firstly, people usually use their own vehicles in order to go to work or go to the university, for example.

No one would argue the fact that a car or a motorbike is more comfortable than public transport. However, this kind of vehicles is very polluting and dangerous for the environment, so if you want to protect your planet you should use public transport or even hybrid vehicles.

Secondly, it is probably true to say that the large companies and industries produce a great amount of waste and gas emissions which damage the environment. In my opinion, this companies and everybody in general should recycle their waste in order to pollute less.

Finally, I am also concerned about some kinds of energies which are terrible for the environment, such as petrol or nuclear energy. I believe that we should use renewable energies like solar energy using solar panel or wind energy using wind turbines.

In conclusion, people should be concerned about environmental problems which have awful consequences on the planet.

B2 student.