lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016


Our school is going to have an eco-project to raise awareness about the environment in order to make students aware of how much important it is to be ecologically-friendly is. In those activities, the students will know several aspects about Biology, Ecology and how we can help to develop these ideas. With those activities, students will know aspects such as Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect, etc, and what things we can do to recycle products in order to help being more ecologucally-friendly. The aim of this report is to present Class ideas for events at the school during the “Eco-Project”.

Poster Competition
Our first idea is that each class will design a poster about the environment. Each class will take one specific topic about ecology or environment and will develop the idea of designing an original one. Each Poster can be made only with recycle of products. The school will choose the best ones.

Quiz Show Competition
Once the students are concerned and know several aspects of recycling and ecology, the school can organize a Eco-Quiz-show. The students will take part of a team with different language students. The questions will be related to ecology, environment, weather, etc.

Visit an Eolic-farm
We think that one of the most interactive activities that the school can organize is an outing related to renewable energies. We have been thinking of organizing a visit to an Eolic-farm. This could be perfect to set new knowledge and even more concern among the students. It could be good if the guide could speak in the language they are learning.

Recycle and sell products made with recycled stuff
A positive and innovative thing that the school could organize is a school eco-market. At this market, the students could sell the products they make recycling stuff. For instance: we could recycle different kinds of beer bottles and transform them in clocks. There are lots of tutorials on the Internet where you can learn how to do this kind of clock just with a beer and some cheap stuff. The result is amazingly cool and very trendy. With this, we could show people that we can make cool things with products we are going to throw and using them for another purpose.

Awareness activities
School could organize awareness activities in order to develop the eco-friendly attitude among their students. A good example could be: having recycling trash bins where students could separate the different kinds of products in order to recycle them (plastics, bottles, carton, paper, etc). Also, using recycled paper to do the class photocopies could be good to improve this kind of awareness.

by a student of 2º NA (English)

Ideas for the ‘eco-week’

The aim of this report is to present the ideas of my class for the ‘eco-week’ that is going to be the next week.

* A recycle competition among other classes.
Our main idea is to motivate ourselves to recycle and the best way we have found for it is making a competition among other classes. The principal could give an award to the winner class, a big prize is not needed.

* Visiting the recycle centre
Visiting  the recycling centre can be very usefull because  this way we can understand how the process of recycling works and the staff can explain us what we could do to improve.

* Outing to a nature park
We could do an outing to a nature park, it would help us to be aware of how important  nature is and to know different kinds of trees and plants.

* Making posters about the water cycle.
Each class could make a poster in order to do an exhibition of all of them. It would help us to understand how the cycle runs  and also work in group..

In conclusion, we are very enthusiastic about the ‘eco-week’. Moreover, we would like to make a brochure explaining all the events and send it to all the teachers to give it to their students.

by a student of 2º NA (English)

Some ideas to improve our eco-awareness

The aim of this report is to present some ideas to improve the Eco-Project of the Language School in Cadiz and obviously our eco-awareness.

Better use of energy
Our first idea is to improve the use of the energy system in the school. The headmaster should ask for different proposals that improve the use of the energy and so the school becomes a green and efficient school with the implement of alternative energy such as led bulb, solar panels, wind energy and so on. Shortly, most people will have installed this sort of energy to generate electricity.

Green week
We would celebrate a green week and try to reach an important percentage of students and teachers (70/80 percent) that use public transport or, even more, don't use cars or another type of polluting vehicles. We have to achieve a better awareness of pollution and try to avoid this kind of vehicles. In addition, the school could set up a green award for the best student or teacher who use much more a bike to arrive at school. The award could be two or three hours during a week of speaking with a teacher or a foreign assistant.

Eco-ideas competition
We would like to propose an environmental ideas competition in the school. The three best ideas will be awarded a discount of 20 % in the next school trip. Not only students but also teachers can present ideas or projects to improve the school environment. We would choose the best ideas and all students and teachers could vote for three of them.

Eco-projects in the net
Our final recommendation is to show videos or films with green projects from other most advanced countries or school to learn more from them

To sum up, we can get everyone in this school to become concerned about the environment and become a green person. Finally, the school could be designated eco-friendly.

Antonio Rodríguez Cabañas NA 2.