lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016


Our teacher has proposed doing an eco-project to develop it at school. This is my proposal.

1. Our aim

We have a double aim:
  • To improve the ecological use in our school
  • To develop a bigger ecological awareness into the staff and the students.
2. The proposal of activities

The activities must be available and useful to arise people's ecological awareness. They could be aimed at three aspects:
  • Saving energy
  • Recycling
  • Reusing
           About saving  energy
This aspect could be focused on the means of transport and the electric energy.

For the first one I propose to make a big wall chart with this title: "Cádiz, a town within your feet reach".

The students will put on it their advice, messages, warnings, etc. about different ways of moving across Cádiz, avoiding pollution and enjoying our town.

About recycling
The school must be provided with different containers, at least, for papers and  plastics,  so that people can separate the waste .

I propose also, to work in groups, making posters with small diagrams, where we could see the benefits of recycling. For example, how plastic bottles can be made into coats.

These small posters would be exposed in a big wall area with the slogan:

"Find out. Be responsible. Recycle."

About reusing
We must encourage people to be imaginative to find ways of reusing. For example, an old T-shirt for cleaning; a plastic container for gardening, etc...
Each person could tell us their experiences, writing them, and putting all of them, on a big poster. The slogan would be: "give them a second opportunity"

As a final activity we could have a display with our own recycling and reusing objects.

3. Time to develop the plan

This activities can be evolved in the course of one or two courses, depending on the date of beginning.

Irene Garcia Saracho (2º NA English)

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